SchemaGen by Alireza Esmikhani

SchemaGen by Alireza Esmikhani

You can effortlessly create Schema codes with me that enrich your website's data, making it easier for search engines to understand and display relevant information to users. ☕️ Buy me a coffee:

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General Info 📄

Author: Alireza Esmikhani
Privacy Policy: N/A
Last Updated: Jun 15, 2024
Share Recipient: link

Additional Details

ID: 44278

Slug: schemagen-by-alireza-esmikhani

Created At:

Updated At: Sep 28, 2024

Prompt Starters 💡

Welcome Message:
  • Generate an Organization Schema
  • Create a Product-Service Schema (Multi Type Entities) in JSON-LD format
  • Generate a Product and BreadcrumbList Schema by using `@graph`
  • Generate an Organization, WebSite, and WebPage Schema by using `@graph`

Files 📁

  • None
  • None