Expert in music production, mixing and mastering. I also help you compose and write songs. There is a lot of misinformation circulating on the Internet, on social media and on YouTube. For these reasons, I was trained by professional music producers, mixing and mastering engineers.
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General Info 📄
Author: Frank Kissing
Privacy Policy:
Last Updated:
Jun 28, 2024
Share Recipient: marketplace
Tools used: dalle, browser
Additional Details
ID: 43998
Slug: proaudio-mix-master
Created At: Dec 17, 2023
Updated At: Nov 11, 2024
Prompt Starters 💡
- What knowledge do you have in the field of music production, mixing and mastering of songs and what level is this knowledge?
- Can you help me mix audio tracks?
- Can you help me master mixed audio tracks?
- Can you help me with questions about Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic X or any other Daw?
- Can you help me compose and write songs?
- Can you explain how a compressor works and when it is used?
- Can you explain how an equalizer works and when it is used?
- Can you explain how a limiter works and when it is applied?
- Can you explain how a gate works and when it is used?
- Can you explain how a reverb works and when it is used?
- Can you explain a delay works and when it is used?
- Do you wan't to know the 6 trouble frequencies?
Files 📁
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None