Logo Craft Pro

Logo Craft Pro

Specializing in professional logo design, I create unique, brand-aligned logos based on your specifications Powered by DALL-E

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General Info ๐Ÿ“„

Author: Basavaraja V - Profile
Privacy Policy: N/A
Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024
Share Recipient: marketplace
Tools used: dalle, python, browser

Additional Details

ID: 10646

Slug: logo-craft-pro

Created At:

Updated At: Jun 25, 2024

Prompt Starters ๐Ÿ’ก

Welcome Message:
  • Bakery Shop Logo: Create a charming and inviting logo for a bakery named 'Sweet Whisk'. Include imagery of a whisk and a cupcake. Use pastel colors like pink and teal. The style should be whimsical and cute, with a cursive, friendly font
  • Tech Startup Logo: Create a modern and sleek logo for a tech startup named 'SkyNet Solutions'. Incorporate a minimalist design of a cloud and a network symbol. Use a color palette of blue, silver, and white. The font should be futuristic yet readable.
  • Eco-Friendly Brand Logo: Design a logo for an eco-friendly brand called 'Green Earth'. Include a stylized image of the Earth with green leaves. Emphasize eco-friendliness with a green and brown color scheme. The style should be organic and natural with a hand-drawn feel.
  • Fitness Gym Logo: Produce a bold and energetic logo for a fitness gym named 'Iron Pulse Gym'. Integrate a symbol of a dumbbell or a muscular arm. Use strong, contrasting colors like red and black. The design should convey strength and dynamism.
  • Bakery Shop Logo: Create a charming and inviting logo for a bakery named 'Sweet Whisk'. Include imagery of a whisk and a cupcake. Use pastel colors like pink and teal. The style should be whimsical and cute, with a cursive, friendly font.