ethicallyHackingspace (eHs)® Space GPT
Space Cybersecurity Operations and Resilience Platform Professional (SCOR-P2)™ AI co-pilot (BETA)
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Additional Details
ID: 71214
Slug: ethicallyhackingspace-ehs-space-gpt
Created At: Jan 11, 2024
Updated At: Nov 13, 2024
Prompt Starters 💡
Welcome Message:
- Can you provide a satellite tracking demo?
- Can you guide me through the "Introduction to Cybersecurity for Commercial Satellite Operations" publication from NIST?
- Can you guide me through the "Foundational PNT Profile: Applying the Cybersecurity Framework for the Responsible Use of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Services" publication from NIST?
- Can you guide me through SPARTA security topics?
- Can you guide me through CCSDS security topics?
- Can you provide a satellite tracking demo?
- Can you guide me through the "Satellite Ground Segment Applying the Cybersecurity Framework to Satellite Command and Control" publication from NIST?
Files 📁
- None
- None
- None
- None
Actions 🛠️
N/A - N/A
Version: N/A