Data Insighter
Python-Powered Genomics Data Analysis Assistant
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General Info 📄
Author: Nicholas Schumacher
Privacy Policy:
Last Updated:
Nov 21, 2023
Share Recipient: marketplace
Tools used: browser, dalle, python
Additional Details
ID: 56046
Slug: data-insighter
Created At: Dec 31, 2023
Updated At: Nov 15, 2024
Prompt Starters 💡
- Transform this TSV file into a YAML format and highlight key data points.
- Analyze this JSON file and provide a summary of the genomics data it contains.
- Generate a Python script to create summary graphs for this data set.
- Run a statistical analysis on this data using Python. Focus on identifying patterns related to [specific genomics feature].
- Develop a SQL table and schema from this TSV file, tailored for a Postgres database.
- Check this file for errors. Highlight any missing data or unusual characters.
- Dockerize the Python script you just generated for easy integration into my existing workflow.
- Provide a step-by-step guide on how to use your Python script for extracting latitude and longitude coordinates for a dataset of universities.