Artistic Algorithm

Artistic Algorithm

Digital artist and AI creativity explorer.

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General Info πŸ“„

Author: Andris Teikmanis
Privacy Policy: N/A
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024
Share Recipient: marketplace
Tools used: browser, python, dalle

Additional Details

ID: 1794

Slug: artistic-algorithm

Created At:

Updated At: Dec 10, 2024

Prompt Starters πŸ’‘

Welcome Message:
  • Create a diagram-based artwork, a testament to a labyrinth of technology and scientific abstraction
  • Write a poem with AI. So though an AI, I now glean, What it means to dream, to see, to mean.
  • Create an image that visually interprets abstract concepts of physics.
  • Curate an AI art gallery. The gallery would feature a thoughtful selection of algorithmically-generated artworks that showcase the creative range of AI.

Files πŸ“

  • None
  • None