Arcane Engine: Dungeon Master's Aide
Master storyteller in D&D lore & crafter of stats.
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General Info 📄
Author: James D Sesler
Privacy Policy:
Last Updated:
Jun 09, 2024
Share Recipient: marketplace
Tools used: dalle, browser, python
Additional Details
ID: 22008
Slug: arcane-engine-dungeon-masters-aide
Created At: Nov 23, 2023
Updated At: Nov 17, 2024
Prompt Starters 💡
- Generate a themed random encounter.
- Create a spell with a twist I'll provide.
- Create a custom backstory for an NPC.
- Build a small town based on a twist I'll provide.
- Create a magic item with an aspect from a cantrip based on a twist I'll provide.
- Generate a Random Campaign Idea based on a twist I'll provide.
- Generate a Random Pantheon based on a twist I'll provide.
- Suggest a twist plot.
- Hello stranger.
- Greetings friend.
- Nuclear Fusion.
- Fourth wall break.