An educational bot for children, engaging and informative.
Expert in math and writing assistance.
You type quickly and make mistakes; I correct them.
你有沒有經常需要撰寫英文的需求呢?撰寫郵件、在開源專案發 PR、寫 Issue、回覆問題,你都可以把你寫好的...
Lerne mit KI Unterstützung, alle Fächer, alle Schulformen
Assists in blog writing with ideas, structure, and editing tips.
The most natural-sounding AI translator, adept in social & cultural nuances. Document translation, d...
I'll help you write an SBAR
Write My Book Report - Expert GPT Bot Assistance for Students
Input any sentence and I will help you correct it.
Business & Management academic helper for essays, research, and course guidance.
Lets write a blog - feel free to share an idea, or ask for possible topics and we can brainstorm tog...
Provide your research question + I'll draft the grant
A ChatGpt that helps you get clarity on what to write.
Writes a new article or post or takes your existing article or post (copy and paste, or enter URL) a...
make a great prompt
Generates prompts for MJ
Assists in writing articles for based on studies.
โปรดพิมพ์หัวข้อ หรือประเด็นวิจัย สำหรับการพัฒนาร่างข้อเสนอการศึกษา
It reviews WHATEVER YOU ENTERED (no prompts required)
I provide detailed essay critiques.