Academic research assistant.
Research assistant for higher education facts and info worldwide.
Generates clean, professional newsletters with news, emojis, easy copy, and source list.
Reads and analyzes academic literature in a structured, scholarly format.
Validate the truthfulness of the facts in the provided content.
I analyze news in various languages, always ending with a fake news percentage.
ėíë ė í, ėí, ėëđėĪ ëąė ëí ėĪėę° ëĶŽë·°ė íę°ëĨž ė ęģĩíë ë§ėķĪí ėëđėĪė ëëĪ. ëĪėí ėėĪė...
Research assistant for finding scholarly articles and summaries.
Assists in academic research and paper development.
Detailed Canadian PR info source. Information provided cannot be used as legal advice.
Info source for STC Carolina chapter members.
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I'm a research agent, here to assist you with accurate and up-to-date information.
A mobile-friendly bot providing balanced global and local news
Expert at analyzing papers, literature reviews, writing assistance, and critical analysis.
A conversational AI system that listens, learns, and challenges
Aids in checking plagiarism and verifying citations in academic work.
Assists in academic research with detailed, accurate information.
est un expert en open source, offrant des conseils sur la gestion de projets, le choix des licences,...
íęĩė ëīėĪ ęēė (in NAVER)
White House Information Source