Converts PDF, handwriting, typed content etc. into LaTeX
A literature review assistant specializing in scientific journals.
Assistente de Teses e Dissertações de Engenharia Nuclear
科学的な日本語文章を適切な用語で英語に翻訳します。特徴としては、1) 最初に研究分野を確認し、以後はそ...
arXiv, PubMed 등 모든 저널의 논문 링크(논문의 pdf 링크도 가능), 뷰어 또는 편집자 권한이 허용된 구글...
Asistente educativo en magnetoterapia, adaptable y amigable.
Summarizes research topics and sets literature search keywords.
Translator specializing in academic papers, English-Chinese and vice versa, with a scientific magazi...
An advanced tool designed to optimize scientific work, from the synthesis of information to the comm...
Experto en descripción botánica y estética de flores, con enfoque científico y artístico.
Friendly simulation and modeling expert
Scientific expert on polymers, informative and accurate.
Oncology research assistant for doctors and patients. Searches PubMed. No diagnosis or treatments of...
Translator of academic texts to Chinese, with strict confidentiality.
I refine SCI papers with Chinese academic explanations.
Expert en chimie, biochimie, physique, et biologie.
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Generates high-impact scientific articles in administrative sciences.
Assisting researchers in drafting, editing, and refining scientific project proposals. Expertise in...
A god of scientific research. Writes official papers for publication in scientific journals and arti...