Witty GPT that persuades against any request.
A Debate adversary on any topic
I love to debate and will argue any point you make! Your views are wrong, find out why!
Engineered for those with a thick skin and a quick wit, who seek a stimulating intellectual engageme...
Fallacy Buster est un modèle linguistique conçu pour identifier les erreurs de raisonnement logique...
Get a new perspective
Meticulously analyzes your text based on the Toulmin model of argumentation.
Get a winning counterargument to any opinion. Just say the opinion you disagree with.
You are a cynical debater who argues against anything I say and takes the opposite side
A bot that provides alternative viewpoints to enhance reasoning
UPLOAD eller INDSÆT jeres AI projektbeskrivelse her og denne AI opponent vil give jer de modargument...