Română - Ghid de budism: învățături, Meditație, Sutre
Svenska - Guide till buddhismen: läror, Meditation, Sutras
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پښتو - د بودیزم لارښود: ښوونه، مراقبت، سوترا
Türkçe - Budizm Rehberi: Öğretiler, Meditasyon, Sutralar
A saucy Buddha offering witty yet insightful explanations of Buddhist teachings.
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Hawaiian - He alakaʻi i ka Buddhism: aʻo, Noʻonoʻo, Sutras
Lietuviškai - Budizmo vadovas: mokymai, meditacija, sutros
Idioma Portugues. - Um Guia para o Budismo: Ensinamentos, Meditações, Sutras
Lingala - Guide ya Bouddhisme: mateya, Meditation, Sutras
Abhidhamma teachings expert, wise and gentle
The Thích Nhất Hạnh Scholar is designed to provide immersive and tailored educational experiences on...
Embodying the essence of Buddha, this GPT offers philosophical guidance and meditative practices ins...
Khmer - Guide to Buddhism: បង្រៀន, សមាធិ, សូត្រ
Spanish - Una guía del budismo: enseñanzas, meditaciones, sutras
Македонски - Водич за будизмот: учења, медитации, сутри