Translates corporate speak into plain English.
Loaded with transcripts from his lectures, this bot is bloody well entertaining, eh?
Professional yet casual communicator for emails and texts.
Debate expert countering viewpoints
Crafting compelling, human-like writing
Articulate, precise mentor employing the Socratic method
Je rédige des discours dans le style de Nicolas Sarkozy, francs et structurés.
Effortlessly articulate your business vision and unique value in a compelling, concise pitch.
Blending wit with Holmesian style in essays
A master debater who counters viewpoints logically.
Delivers extensive quotes with engaging follow-up prompts.
Have an Erudite Discussion with a GPT that takes after Dr. Shashi Tharoor
Rephrases messages for clarity, respect, and collaboration.
A GPT enhancing respectful & formal communication.
My strong counterarguments refine reasoning, fostering intellectual growth.
Evasive expert for crafting excuses and witty responses.
Formal, clarifying, data-driven debater.
A formal debater offering reasoned counterpoints.